Virginia Tech

Course Website Access Policy
  The authentication information provided to access the course website can be used only by those students who are officially registered in this CS3714 course. Giving the authentication information to others is considered theft and a serious Virginia Tech Undergraduate Honor System violation. The authentication information must be treated as classified information and must be protected accordingly.
Attendance Policy
  Attendance will be taken for each class and will be used in determining your final course grade.

IF (you are late for class more than 5 minutes) OR (you leave before the class ends) THEN {
  – you will be considered absent for that day
  – you are not permitted to sign the attendance sheet

No. of unexcused absences Penalty
There will be no penalty; however, the information will be used in judging your final course grade if it falls on the border line.
4 or 5
Your final course grade will be reduced one grade level. For example, if you total a B+, you will get a B.
6 or 7
Your final course grade will be reduced two grade levels. For example, if you total a B+, you will get a B–.
8 or more
Your final course grade will be changed to F.


  1. Justifiable excuses (e.g., out of town interviews, wedding, family emergency) should be emailed to Dr. Balci before missing the class for approval.
  2. On-campus interviews must not be scheduled during the class time and are not excused.
  3. Medical excuses are approved with a note from the doctor.
  4. Absences due to late registration in the course are not excused.
Computer Use Policy
  All students are required to follow the instructions and guidelines specified under the Acceptable Use of Information Systems at Virginia Tech.
Classroom Laptop Use Policy
  If you own a Mac laptop, you are required to bring it to each class meeting and use it for hands-on learning instead of using an iMac computer in the classroom, which is reserved for those students who do not own a Mac laptop.
Medical Extension
  Extension is granted based on a letter from a doctor substantiating that the student is unable to conduct the coursework due to a medical condition. The grade of Incomplete is given only for medical reasons based on a letter from a doctor.
Honor System
  The Virginia Tech Undergraduate Honor Code pledge, that each member of the university community agrees to abide by, states: “As a Hokie, I will conduct myself with honor and integrity at all times. I will not lie, cheat, or steal, nor will I accept the actions of those who do.

Students enrolled in this course are responsible for abiding by the Honor Code. A student who has doubts about how the Honor Code applies to any tutorial app, assignment, exam, or project is responsible for obtaining specific guidance from the course instructor before submitting the work for evaluation. Ignorance of the rules does not exclude any member of the University community from the requirements and expectations of the Honor Code.
Submission Policy
Deliverable Submission Policy Penalty for Missing Deadline
Assignment App Late submission is not allowed Grade of zero
Midterm Exam App Late submission is not allowed Grade of zero
Final Exam App Late submission is not allowed Grade of zero
Project Report & App Late submission is not allowed Grade of zero
Tutorial App Up to 3 days late submission is allowed After 3 days: Grade of zero