John D. McGregor
Clemson University, South Carolina, USA
T. Case, B. Henderson-Sellers, and G.C. Low, A generic object-oriented design methodology incorporating database considerations
D. Dori and M. Goodman, From object-process analysis to object-process design
J.D. McGregor, B.A. Malloy, and R.L. Siegmund, A comprehensive program representation of object-oriented software
L.R. Welch, M. Lankala, W. Farr, and D.K. Hammer, Metrics for quality and concurrency in object-based systems
M. Dodani, Formal methods for object-oriented software engineering
J. Lin, D.C. Kung, and P. Hsia, Object-oriented specification and formal verification of real-time systems
L. Jian, Developing parallel object-oriented programs in the framework of VDM
A. Parrish, D. Cordes, and D. Brown, An environment to support micro-incremental class development
G. Booch, Managing object-oriented software development
B.G. Cain, J.O. Coplien, and N.B. Harrison, Social patterns in productive software development organizations