Software Process and Product Measurement


James D. Arthur and Sallie M. Henry
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA


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C.F. Kemerer, Software complexity and software maintenance: A survey of empirical research, pp. 1-22.

X. Yu and D.A. Lamb, Metrics applicable to software design, pp. 23-41.

W.M. Zage, D.M. Zage and C. Wilburn, Avoiding metric monsters: A design metrics approach, pp. 43-55.

B. Boehm, B. Clark, E. Horowitz, C. Westland, R. Madachy and R. Selby, Cost models for future software life cycle processes: COCOMO 2.0, pp. 57-94.

J. Troster and J. Tian, Measurement and defect modeling for a legacy software system, pp. 95-118.

R.C. Tausworthe, Software quality management through process and product modeling, pp. 119-139.

T.M. Khoshgoftaar, A.S. Pandya and D.L. Lanning, Application of neural networks for predicting program faults, pp. 141-154.

G.E. Murine and B.J. Murine, Implementing a software quality metric program based on the Rome Laboratory initiatives, pp. 155-177.

L.R. Welch, G. Yu, J. Verhoosel, J.A. Haney, A.L. Samuel and P. Ng, Metrics for assessment of designs and implementations during reengineering of computer-based systems, pp. 179-217.

S.L. Pfleeger, Experimental design and analysis in software engineering, pp. 219-253.

J.C. Munson, Software measurement: Problems and practice, pp. 255-285.

N.F. Schneidewind, Software metrics validation: Space Shuttle flight software example, pp. 287-309.

W.S. Humphrey, Introducing the personal software process, pp. 311-325.

Author index, p. 327.

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